A Dairiair®,LLC White Paper on Flatulence
If you are suffering from excess intestinal
gas, you need to become informed. Know all you can about controlling the
negative social effects associated with this condition, beginning with
the following facts:
- If you are alive, producing intestinal
gas emissions is a fact of daily life.
- Regrets, we've all had a few. In
fact, when it comes to the issue of second-hand flatulence, no one
is totally blameless. While some people pass more gas than others
do, it is normal for a healthy individual to do so from 6 to 20 times
a day.
- Blame it on swallowed air
while smoking/ eating/drinking/chewing gum, plus the effect of loose
fitting dentures as well as the primary culprits: your stomach and
small intestine.
- It's not rocket science. Flatulence
typically occurs when food does not break down completely in the stomach
and small intestine before being passed on to the large intestine.
Bacteria (fermentation reaction) in the large intestine completes
the work of digestion, producing a variety of gasses in the process,
such as oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, sulfur and sometimes
methane— the "gas" that is "passed" in a
flatulence outburst.
- You are what you eat. Known
gas-producing foods and drinks include vegetables, such as potatoes,
onions, cabbage, and broccoli; fried and fatty foods; beans and other
legumes; milk and other lactose products; sugars; wheat and wheat
bran; eggs; fruits, such as bananas, prunes, and raw apples; and carbonated
drinks, beer, and red wine.
- The foul bowel odor associated with
flatulence is the result of traces of several volatile sulfur-containing
compounds such as hydrogen sulfide, methanethiol and dimethylsulfide
and amines. (Yes, as a general rule of thumb, what's hard to spell
are easy to smell). Hydrogen sulfide is the source of the noxious
odor we associate with flatulence (Think of the smell of "rotten
- There is no Richter Scale that measures
the loudness of a flatulence outburst. The sound of an outburst is
a function of a sphincter's elasticity, the presence or absence of
hemorrhoids, the muscle tone of the flesh surrounding the sphincter
and the wishes of the delivery person.
- In healthy individuals, the
volume of gas passed through the rectum varies from 500 to 1500 ml
per day.
- The nose knows. The human
nose can detect in the low part per billion range of the most offensive
smells associated with flatulence. Note: one ppb is analogous to one
cent in $10 million dollars.
- Forty-six percent of people
have been embarrassed in public by gastrointestinal gas, according
to a recent North American survey (Yes, the 54% of the people polled
who gave a N.I.M.B.Y. response are probably fibbing).
- No matter where you go in
this world, you will always find a local word for a flatulence outburst.
In Japanese, it's called he. The Russian's perdun, the Chinese's fong,
the German's furz, the French's pet, the Hindu's pud and the Afrikaans's
poep give clear proof that flatulence knows no borders.
- The truth about social flatulence
as expressed in numerous testimonial letters- is that it is both the
"stuff" of low comedy (Think of the Whoopie™ Cushion)
and terrible tragedy (Think of being confined indoors because of an
acute chronic gas condition—sadly, this "social deficit"
is the first hardship that a sufferer of excess gas is forced to endure).
- Many people assume that the
emission of flatulence in social settings is totally preventable—an
assumption that is simply not true for all people in all situations.
Like bed-wetting among children or incontinence among the elderly,
diminished control over one's bodily functions is not always preventable
- "A prescription drug with no side effect is a prescription drug with no effect". In fact, a common side
effect of many prescribed drugs is increased gas. This is just one
example of a "no fault" type of excess gas condition.
- Medical conditions known
to cause excess gas are many. They include: Irritable Bowel Syndrome,
Cirrhosis of the Liver, Colon or Rectal Cancer, Crohn's Disease, Diabetes,
Diverticular Disease, Gallstones, Parasitic Infections, Peptic Ulcer
Disease, Splenic Flexture Syndrome and Ulcerative Colitis.
- As we get older, we tend
to lose muscle control. Medical conditions like MS accelerate this
loss of control over various muscle groups. This leads to an increased
amount of uncontrolled flatulence events.
- Second-hand flatulence is
seldom met with a forgiving societal response for two reasons: 1.)
Each outburst effectively "socializes" the perpetrator's
discomfort (everybody in the vicinity of a gas outburst suffers equally),
and; 2.) Each event "commodifies" those who are exposed,
transforming them into unwitting "human air filters".
- Control strategies for excess
gas can be said to involve a series of BDA Initiatives, as they place
distinct sets of interventions at the Before, During and After phases
of the human digestion timeline.
- "Before" control strategies
use diet to selectively eliminate the intake of known gas-producing
foods. Since certain foods effect different people in different ways,
this control method must be implemented on a "trial and error"
basis. Moreover, it is not effective for individuals whose problem
is the result of a medical condition or prescription drug regime.
- "During" control strategies
use over-the-counter medications (such as Beano™, activated
charcoal tablets or lactose digestion supplements) to break down the
less digestible foods responsible for excess gas formation. As in
the case of diet-based remedies, this control strategy is not effective
against conditions that are medical in origin.
- "After" control strategies
do not seek to treat the root causes of a given gastrointestinal condition—
but rather its real-time environmental and social consequences. A
seat cushion containing sound-muffling and odor absorption filters
works as a passive and discrete flatulence filter device to strip
each flatulence outburst of the majority of its telltale sound and
smell. Unlike the other control strategies available, this method
offers a proven end-to-end solution for every type of excess gas sufferer.
- How it works. Numerous research
findings and real-world product tests lead us to believe that the
advanced technology filter components present in the GasMedic™
flatulence filter by Dairiair®, LLC represent the best approach to
managing excess intestinal gas conditions. We believe that the proprietary
combination of these powerful filter elements gives chronic sufferers
of excess gas a simple 3-step solution for an embarrassment-free life:
- Step 1.Sit. To the sight
and touch, each flatulence filter by Dairiair®, LLC looks and feels
like a conventional pillow-type seat cushion. However, the cushion's
dual-stage internal filter components have been specially developed
to provide a "best in class" solution for gas sufferers
everywhere—in the home, office, car, school, restaurant or other
social settings.
- Step 2.Release. When released
into a Dairiair®, LLC flatulence filter, the initial layer of acoustical
foam muffles the sound of the outburst. The foam's high porous structure
allows the odorous gas to then diffuse on to the activated carbon
filter, where the offensive odors are trapped and absorbed.
- Step 3.Relax. For both gas
sufferers and those near and dear to them, this passive control device
offers a win-win proposition. Plus, customers know they are using
the same technology that's used in military Haz-Mat applications —
and there's simply no better testimonial than that.
- Read about what others have to say,
click "Testimonials".